Blended Learning Classes
Walden offers a limited selection of blended learning English, Social Studies, Science, Health, PE and Elective classes. These classes allow you to work at your own speed and earn core or elective credit. Walden Blended Learning combine the online experience with in-class learning. In most cases, your instructor will be a Walden faculty member who will meet with you several times throughout your course to check your progress and work with you one-on-one. Coursework may include field experiences, tutoring sessions, small group discussions, or lab work, and you may be invited to attend forums or lectures with a group of students who are also taking the course.
Walden Blending Learning Classes are the only online option you can use that offers personal help from your Walden teachers and allow you to stay on campus and use the school’s facilities and resources to complete your work. Your instructor will be available by email, phone, or appointment to assist you when you need help. You can also request tutoring help from your instructor and/or mentor. Please visit the website at and check with our Academic Advisor to find out which classes we are currently offering. You can call Academic Advising at 801-655-5889, or email us below to start the process.
Get StartedStatewide Online Education Program
Utah legislation affords eligible students in ninth through twelfth with the option to take up to two high school credits a year of online education as part of their regular schedule. Online courses combined with regular classes may not exceed the number of courses taken during a regular school day. These courses are available at no cost to the student and are funded by withholding state funding from your school/district. Courses may charge class fees that are the responsibility of the student. Fee waivers are available to eligible students. Parents assume the responsibility for students during the release time from the school day.
This program is not intended to serve as credit recovery. If you need to earn missing credit, you will need to work with Academic Advising to find reasonably priced options. Walden does not have a credit recovery program and cannot fund repeated classes.
To begin this process a Course Credit Acknowledgement (CCA) form must be prepared by your counselor or the online provider and submitted to the Utah State Office of Education. Please talk to Our Academic Advisor at 801-655-5889, or email us below to start the process.
Get Started